What are some ideas for making charity events and fundraisers unique and successful?


With any event, the goal is to bring your business into a positive light while giving back to your community. It is very important that people leave your event with an overall warmth and sense of well-being. It takes the effort of everyone involved to make it successful and unforgettable. Here is a list of marketing strategies to help you get the support you need to promote your event;

In-house promotions -Wearable’s such as t-shirts, hats, buttons, wrist bands, shelf talkers, fundraising canisters, signs, flyers and tear sheets, sign up forms, etc.

Track your progress – Have an extremely visible display for your clients to see how much your business has raised – Update it weekly, and as the funds grow, so will everyone’s excitement! One tried but true way is to create a giant thermometer (or something more spa-ish) with your monetary goal at the top.

  1. Start your own e-communications, newsletters and invites -There are many web companies that will allow you to customize a newsletter template or E-invitation to promote your event. There should be at least three (3) communications sent out to potential guests.
  1. Linking your website – Find out if your chosen organization has a website or information page that you can link to your website. This is an easy way to give your website visitors all of the pertinent information they need to support your efforts.
  1. Educate – Be sure to post as much information about your charity and event as possible. Including the 501(c)(3) non-profit status and mission of the organization or charitable cause you are fundraising for, as people want to be sure they are getting involved with a reputable organization. Include detailed information as to how much of the raised profits are being donated or what services are you providing.
  1. Invite – Have your front desk and each therapist hand out invites to each and every client that walks in your doors. These can be simple cards or made more extravagantly with your logo and some pretty designs. Be sure to include the “who, what, where, why and when”, and feature any special speakers or promotions of the night. Instill “the more the merrier” vibe by requesting that people bring a friend and reward those that comply with a special “spa gift”.

Ways to get your employees involved and reward them for their handwork:

  1. Start a contest – for each individual or form teams. Team leaders may be your contact people and get “special rewards” if they hit their goals.
  1. Awards program – Give out an award for best performance or most money raised.
  1. Education – Match their “advanced education fund” dollar for dollar. The more they earn, the more they learn!
  1. Celebrate -After the event take them out to a favorite local restaurant, event or spa. (You can also try to barter gift certificates to cut down on your cost!)
  1. Services – Offer spa services that they may normally have to pay for or just can’t find the time to experience. This is a good way for them try services they may normally not be able to.
  1. Certificates – Give gift certificates for family and friends (this is also a great way to get new people to try your services).
  1. Include a spot on your invitation for your employees’ initials so as they give them out, you can track how many of their clients attend your event, then reward those with the highest clients attendance.

Monique Iacobacci
Executive Director
SPAcare Inc.

3 Responses

  1. Personally I don’t think that Mr. Handsome has received enough accolades for his humanitarian efforts. In my opinion a lot of celebrity do-gooders are totally phony and engage in so called good deeds merely for positive publicity. I have to say that I don’t think that George is one of the phonies out there in the world of celbrity do-gooders. I admire what he is doing for the Haitian people. I wish more celebrities were as real as he is when it comes to helping out those less fortunate in the world. So kudos to George and his desire to make this world a better place.

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